A scribble-a-day.

For me, art is not always a piece of work tweaked, perfected, and bullied until someone is pleased with the result. For me, art is more an intimate conversation with myself, a question asked and answers found- brought into this world by way of my hands- a true reflection of my body and soul.

My time is divided up into many paths and allotted time to sit and create is currently tight. Now, admittedly, if I was only seeking intimate convo with myself, I could technically cut out the middle man (Art) and just talk to myself while walking the isles of the grocery store. However, I have a terrible memory and grocery stores make me twitch.

I quickly discovered, if I wanted to make something stick, I had to take it from the hurricane of my brain and materialize it into something tangible, a keepsake of sorts. Leaving me with a roadmap to look back on, when I inevitably take that wrong turn.

Circling back to Time, while I would love to sit with my work longer, to polish and make more appealing, time dictates I get to the point and move on. Luckily, time and chance do typically provide an intriguing visual souvenir in the way of an ‘art piece’, at least by my standards. And, magically, a picture can be worth a 1000 words. A story unlocked within the blink of an eye.

What all this boils down to is, what most would describe as SCRIBBLES. So, scribbles is what we will call them. And with a blank journal in hand, scribble is what I’ll do. 30 min, limited materials, and a blank page- I will sit down each day that is granted, to look within and find some answers, or glean some information on the day to day challenges/questions of this life. I will leave the pages here as their release into the world.

Scribble with me, if you’d like. It’s all in you.


Art + Adaptation


Spirit Animals