The flip side of Joy.
I was reminded that not all participants in my classes love or even like art.
Some find themselves there due to enthusiastic friends or family- gently encouraged or determinedly pushed to try something new. Not everyone loves art, or what they think art is.
For many, the thought brings on considerable anxiety. Likely, brought on by society’s narrative around what it means to be an artist, or even to produce art. Memories of childhood laughter and ridicule, comparisons and dismissals of our work- our soul being laid bare, are enough for any young artist to quickly discard the notion that they should ever attempt such a thing again!
I am that child, but I am also the dancer who will drag the unwilling to a dance floor. The pushed and the push-er. It’s still an ongoing battle, a dance, to consider myself and my story, worthy, or the use of my time and energy meaningful and ‘useful’. But, because I believe in all of us, and our innate ability, our unique beauty, and the essential stories we have to share- I have to also believe it for myself.
And I believe if I could get to this place, so could you.
Get on the dance floor ❤️